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From the Library

To all the mums who covered library books at home this year a big THANK YOU!

All borrowing for the library has now ceased for 2018. Please help your child to find and return their library books, to the return box, on any day. Thank you.

Summer Reading Challenge 2018-2018

Once again, our students are encouraged to participate in the ‘Challenge’ which runs from Saturday, 1st December to Friday, 15th February 2019. Our school won the 2017-2018 Challenge from the 45 schools who entered!

Students have received entry forms from Inner West Libraries on which they record 10 or more books of choice they have read and write a book review.

Students may enter as many times as they like. Ms. Gray in the library has extra copies of the entry form.

Completed entries can be taken to any Inner West library branch. For more information please go to